All Year Round
Christmas for Kids helps Innisfil families throughout the year:
- Christmas Campaign, providing Christmas with a personal C4Kids touch.
- Easter and Thanksgiving, Food Drives in coordination with local schools and donations received.
- Birthday Present Program, for children who are invited to birthday parties but cannot afford to purchase a gift, also for Parents who need a gift for their own child.
- Backpack Program, assistance with backpacks and school supplies for September.
- Vulnerable Highschool Teens, needing assistance with hygiene products and other supplies.
- Innisfil’s Families In Crisis, needing food, warm outerwear, boots and other supplies.
- Assist children “all year round” to ensure that they are not missing out on the important programs that other children are enjoying.

Christmas for Kids helps Innisfil families at Christmas by providing them with:
- Turkey
- Food (enough to last over the holidays)
- A small gift certificate to buy perishables for Christmas Dinner
- Gifts for each child. We try to give gifts geared to the child’s interests.
We know that Christmas can be a stressful time for families if they have limited financial resources. We try to take the pressure off families. All of our clients are treated with respect; all information is kept confidential. Innisfil has many generous residents who want to help at Christmas.

President, Myrlene Boken,
Vice President, Debra Harrison,
Treasurer, Susanne Thompson,
Secretary, Anne Kell,
Manager of Christmas Program, Patty Dow
Manager of Food Distribution, Bev Kell
Director of Client Services, Karen Lewis
Board Members
Marketing Coordinator, Sadie Kramer
Client Relations Assistant, Charlotte Hamilton
Distribution Assistant, Richard Ratte
Heather Weigel
Cheryl Ratte